I need some info on SQLWarnings.
When should I use them as opposed to SQLExceptions, or shouldn't I bother?
I'm trying to get as much info on what my class is doing behind the scenes. It currently works fine on our development server, but when pushed to staging nothing happens... no errors, exceptions, nothing. I just want to find out all I can.
Are SQLWarnings were tampering with? How exactly would you use them with or without the joint use of SQLException?
Thanks in advance. I hope this helped! ;-)
- Casey Winans
When should I use them as opposed to SQLExceptions, or shouldn't I bother?
I'm trying to get as much info on what my class is doing behind the scenes. It currently works fine on our development server, but when pushed to staging nothing happens... no errors, exceptions, nothing. I just want to find out all I can.
Are SQLWarnings were tampering with? How exactly would you use them with or without the joint use of SQLException?
Thanks in advance. I hope this helped! ;-)
- Casey Winans