I am looking to set up the following servers from my home:<br><br>-----------------------<br>Firewall<br>Internal DHCP Server<br>Gateway<br>Internal DNS Server<br><br>External DNS Server<br>Web Server (running Apache,MySQL,PHP4)<br>qmail E-Mail Server<br>Secure FTP Server (using ssh2)<br>and Quake 3 Game Server<br>------------------------<br>I currently have 2 machines to split the server up on:<br><br>400Mhz Celeron, 256Megs Ram, 10Gig HD<br><br>233Mhz Pentium, 128Megs Ram, 2Gig HD.<br><br>I would like to use OpenBSD for the Firewall, etc., and Redhat Linux 6.2 for the Web, Quake 3, etc. servers.<br><br>Would anyone have any helpful (experienced) advice as to how I can break the services up between the two machines? And, more or less, which machine would be best to use with what particular service?<br><br>I am just a bit confused as to what direction I should persue.<br><br>Thanks in advance for any help! <p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br><i>try not!</i><br>
<i>do... or do not. there is no try!</i>
<i>do... or do not. there is no try!</i>