Can someone please help me with my problem
i have a Button on a Form when clicked it sends a value to a TextBox
How can i make my code so that it dose the same thing when i press the Keyboard key number 3?
I am a Corel Fan!atic. (NAH)
i have a Button on a Form when clicked it sends a value to a TextBox
Private Sub Number3_Click()
If LastInput <> "NUMS" Then
ReadOut = Format(0, ".")
DecimalFlag = False
End If
If DecimalFlag Then
ReadOut = ReadOut + Number3().Caption
ReadOut = Left(ReadOut, InStr(ReadOut, Format(0, ".")) - 1) + Number3().Caption + Format(0, ".")
End If
If LastInput = "NEG" Then ReadOut = "-" & ReadOut
LastInput = "NUMS"
End Sub
I am a Corel Fan!atic. (NAH)