I have a button that adds a Calendar entry to a users calendar when clicked, I would like to add a link to the Body of the Calendar Entry for a Sametime Meeiting. It adds the URL in the body of the Entry but it is not a Hyper Link when the client views from the body of the Entry. Here is the line I am using to add the URL. What do I need to add to this line to make the URL a clickable hyperlink?
Chr(10) & addtlText & "
I have a button that adds a Calendar entry to a users calendar when clicked, I would like to add a link to the Body of the Calendar Entry for a Sametime Meeiting. It adds the URL in the body of the Entry but it is not a Hyper Link when the client views from the body of the Entry. Here is the line I am using to add the URL. What do I need to add to this line to make the URL a clickable hyperlink?
Chr(10) & addtlText & "