You cannot turn off or minimize the AutoCAD command line window. However, other objects can get in front of the command line window and obscure it. Another problem that can occur when the command line window is floating is that it gets moved off screen. For example, you position the floating command line window to give more room to the AutoCAD graphic window. As a result, the command line window might be positioned off screen
There are three methods for resolving this problem, and each is a little more complex than the last. Work through the methods in sequence. That is, try method 1, if that does not work try method 2, and finally, use method 3.
Method #1
Look for the AutoCAD command line window behind other objects.
Move floating toolbars and verify that the command line window is not hidden behind them.
Drag the Windows taskbar to a new position and verify that the command line window is not hidden behind it.
Method #2
Change the display settings for your system.
Increase the display resolution to the maximum value. You might need to reduce the color depth to get the maximum resolution.
Reposition the command line window. The command line window should be visible in the enlarged screen area.
Restore the original display settings.
Method #3
Edit the Windows Registry. Use this method only after you have tried methods 1 and 2.
Problems caused by improperly editing the Windows registry could render your computer operating system unusable. Microsoft has provided a wealth of critical information you need to know about the registry in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at
Use the Microsoft® Registry Editor only at your own risk and only after backing up the registry as well as the system.dat and user.dat files as outlined in ARTICLE-ID: Q132332 "How to Back Up the Registry" in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. Additional information about the registry is also contained in the Help topics in the Microsoft Registry Editor.
Ensure AutoCAD software is not running.
Start the Registry Editor and locate the key for the software you are using:
AutoCAD®. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD-X:X\FixedProfile\Command Line Windows
AutoCAD LT®. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD LT\RX\ACAD-X:X\FixedProfile\Command Line Windows
Where X is a variable numeric value.
Enter value data of 2 (hex) for the value name DockWindow.Style.
Exit the Registry Editor.
The next time you start the software, the command line window will be docked in the application window.
change screen res to as high as possible. drag it back into the center of the screen. change res back to what you had it at before.
to change screen res, right click on desktop and select properties. select settings. drag "screen resolution" bar as far as possible to the right. Start Autocad. Find cmd window. pull back into center of screen. repeat process to get resolution back to what you had. That should do it.
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