Technical User
Hello and thanks for looking at this post.
I have a workbook in excel that has some code that i am working on in it... Basically its a series of macros that leads to the code that i put below....
In this workbook I am processing information in excel and then pushing it into Access and then refreshing a query back in excel for the results.... The problem that I am having is when I run my code... by the way It works perfectly the first time around.... If I open the excel workbook again to process more information at a later time during the day.. It does not work....
I have a series of macros that run in sequence Its all controles by a button on a userform...... I just went through processing step 1 then step 2 . Then saving file after each instance to narrow down my problem.... And then looking at Windows Task manager to see if excel was still running in background. I have narrowed it down to this Code.... But I dont know what I am doing wrong here or how to correct it. Or even how to search for help on this on the board...
Again before the code below is a series of codes that process in excel, .. (THE CODEBELOW) is step6 this step pushes the information itto access where access pushes it back to excel .. Its at this point when I got to save excel and close it out completly.. that it still runs in the background somehow...someway.... I dont know what I am doing wrong here.. Hopefully someone can give me some insight on a solution to this annoying problem.. Thank you..
Sub Step6ImportToAccess()
Dim appAcc As Object
Set appAcc = CreateObject("Access.Application")
appAcc.Visible = False
appAcc.OpenCurrentDatabase ("C:\NewYorkFashionToGo\NYFOrderProcessingNewEdition.mdb")
appAcc.DoCmd.RunMacro "DeleteOrders"
appAcc.DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 8, "OrderSummary", "C:\NewYorkFashionToGo\ExcelTools\In A New York Minute Processing New Edition3.xls", True, "OrderSummary!A1:AE5000"
appAcc.DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 8, "Orders", "C:\NewYorkFashionToGo\ExcelTools\In A New York Minute Processing New Edition3.xls", True, "Orders!A1:O5000"
appAcc.DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 8, "PayPalDownload", "C:\NewYorkFashionToGo\ExcelTools\In A New York Minute Processing New Edition3.xls", True, "PPDownload!A1:AF5000"
appAcc.DoCmd.RunMacro "ShippingMacro"
Windows("In A New York Minute Processing New Edition3.xls").Activate
I have a workbook in excel that has some code that i am working on in it... Basically its a series of macros that leads to the code that i put below....
In this workbook I am processing information in excel and then pushing it into Access and then refreshing a query back in excel for the results.... The problem that I am having is when I run my code... by the way It works perfectly the first time around.... If I open the excel workbook again to process more information at a later time during the day.. It does not work....
I have a series of macros that run in sequence Its all controles by a button on a userform...... I just went through processing step 1 then step 2 . Then saving file after each instance to narrow down my problem.... And then looking at Windows Task manager to see if excel was still running in background. I have narrowed it down to this Code.... But I dont know what I am doing wrong here or how to correct it. Or even how to search for help on this on the board...
Again before the code below is a series of codes that process in excel, .. (THE CODEBELOW) is step6 this step pushes the information itto access where access pushes it back to excel .. Its at this point when I got to save excel and close it out completly.. that it still runs in the background somehow...someway.... I dont know what I am doing wrong here.. Hopefully someone can give me some insight on a solution to this annoying problem.. Thank you..
Sub Step6ImportToAccess()
Dim appAcc As Object
Set appAcc = CreateObject("Access.Application")
appAcc.Visible = False
appAcc.OpenCurrentDatabase ("C:\NewYorkFashionToGo\NYFOrderProcessingNewEdition.mdb")
appAcc.DoCmd.RunMacro "DeleteOrders"
appAcc.DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 8, "OrderSummary", "C:\NewYorkFashionToGo\ExcelTools\In A New York Minute Processing New Edition3.xls", True, "OrderSummary!A1:AE5000"
appAcc.DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 8, "Orders", "C:\NewYorkFashionToGo\ExcelTools\In A New York Minute Processing New Edition3.xls", True, "Orders!A1:O5000"
appAcc.DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 8, "PayPalDownload", "C:\NewYorkFashionToGo\ExcelTools\In A New York Minute Processing New Edition3.xls", True, "PPDownload!A1:AF5000"
appAcc.DoCmd.RunMacro "ShippingMacro"
Windows("In A New York Minute Processing New Edition3.xls").Activate