I have written some simple ASP code (see below) with 2 submit buttons. I would like the submit buttons to be 2 images. The problem is that I can't use the 'value' parameter with the <Input type="image">-tag (it returns x and y coordinates).
<% lang = request.form("language") %>
<% if lang = "2" then %>
<% else %>
<% end if %>
<FORM action="[URL unfurl="true"]http://mysite.asp"[/URL] method="post">
<INPUT name="language" type="submit" src="/jpg/NLbutton.jpg" value="1">
<INPUT name="language" type="submit" src="/jpg/ENbutton.jpg" value="2">
I could use different names for each button, but that would take me a lot longer writing supplemental code. I try to prevent 'hard coding' in my source, so I use a lot of parameters linked to databases (in this case the "value").
I already tryed [code]<input type="submit" style="background-Image:url(/jpg/ENbutton.jpg)" value="2">
[\code] but this works only in IE4 and not in NN4.
Any help would be great!
PS: also posted in HTML and CSS forum