I have three columns in excel named supervisor,Inspector, wpr
I want to get a result in new cell
If supervisor is yes
Imspector is ywpr is no then its result shoul ne " S-I " or if supervisor is yes inspector is yes wpr is yes then result should be "SIW
Generally in instances where you have more than 3 cases, like yours, the DATA ought to reside in a TABLE rather than in a formula. Using the technique featured below as a multiple criteria lookup will perform as long as each combination of criteria references one and only one Row in the lookup table.
In regard to any changes that might occur in the future, it's so much easier to change DATA in a table than to figure out how to modify DATA in a FORMULA, which is part of a principle known as maintainability.
So here's my solution:
My Truth/Lookup Table is a Structured Table named Table2...
And you can see My Formula...[tt]
I2: =INDEX(D,SUMPRODUCT((Table2[Supervisor]=F2)*(Table2[[Inspector ]]=G2)*(Table2[wpr]=H2)*ROW(Table2[Result])))[/tt]
Skip, Just traded in my OLD subtlety...
for a NUance!
"The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible" A. Einstein
You Matter...
unless you multiply yourself by the speed of light squared, then... You Energy!
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