I think I have the strangest problem of all. I bought a 200gb Western digital hard drive about 4 months ago and partitioned it in to three NTFS drives and I have been using it as a slave drive. It has been working fine up until couple of days ago that all of a sudden two of the partitions disappeared. The third partitions are ok. I used the WD disk diagnostics program and it says the drive is fine. I run Norton antivirus and no viruses found. I replaced the ribbon cable which didn’t help. One thing I have noticed is the hard drive gets very hot. I returned the first one that I bought for that reason but the second one also got hot so I put a cooling fun on it to keep it cool and when I opened the case yesterday the fan wasn’t working and the hard dive was hot I don’t know if they are suppose to get hot or what. I have a lot of data in these two partitions which I need to recover. Please help somebody.