I have the following portiun of the program. However, the bottom mail section sends subject but the top does not. Please help.
sendmail = "/usr/lib/sendmail";
$email = $FORM{'email'};
$subject = "SALE ";
$sendto = "s\@sale.com";
open (MAIL, "| $sendmail $sendto " or die "Couldn't open sendmail: ";
print MAIL "TO: $sendto\n";
print MAIL "FROM: $email\n";
print MAIL "Subject : $subject\n";
print MAIL "Sale Site - \n ";
print MAIL "Ad from $FORM{'name'} at $FORM{'address'} $FORM{'city'}";
print MAIL "$FORM{'state'} $FORM{'zipcode'}";
print MAIL " $FORM{'make'} and $FORM{'model'} for $d $FORM{'price'} with your description $FORM{'comment'} \n";
print MAIL " \n";
close (MAIL);
$mailprog ='/usr/lib/sendmail';
open (MAIL, "| $mailprog $email" or die "Could not open Mailprogram:";
print MAIL "TO: $email\n";
print MAIL "FROM: $sendto\n";
print MAIL "Subject : $subject\n";
print MAIL "Sale\n";
print MAIL "On day and date: $today: $mday-$thismon-$year \n";
print MAIL "You have provided this information:\n";
print MAIL "Your name : $FORM{'name'}. Your address: $FORM{'address'} in $FORM{'city'}\n";
print MAIL "$FORM{'state'} $FORM{'zipcode'}\n";
print MAIL "You phone : $FORM{'telephone'} to call you between $FORM{'time'}\n";
print MAIL "You are selling $FORM{'make'} $FORM{'model'} for $d $FORM{'price'} with your description: $FORM{'comment'} \n";
print MAIL " \n";
close (MAIL);
sendmail = "/usr/lib/sendmail";
$email = $FORM{'email'};
$subject = "SALE ";
$sendto = "s\@sale.com";
open (MAIL, "| $sendmail $sendto " or die "Couldn't open sendmail: ";
print MAIL "TO: $sendto\n";
print MAIL "FROM: $email\n";
print MAIL "Subject : $subject\n";
print MAIL "Sale Site - \n ";
print MAIL "Ad from $FORM{'name'} at $FORM{'address'} $FORM{'city'}";
print MAIL "$FORM{'state'} $FORM{'zipcode'}";
print MAIL " $FORM{'make'} and $FORM{'model'} for $d $FORM{'price'} with your description $FORM{'comment'} \n";
print MAIL " \n";
close (MAIL);
$mailprog ='/usr/lib/sendmail';
open (MAIL, "| $mailprog $email" or die "Could not open Mailprogram:";
print MAIL "TO: $email\n";
print MAIL "FROM: $sendto\n";
print MAIL "Subject : $subject\n";
print MAIL "Sale\n";
print MAIL "On day and date: $today: $mday-$thismon-$year \n";
print MAIL "You have provided this information:\n";
print MAIL "Your name : $FORM{'name'}. Your address: $FORM{'address'} in $FORM{'city'}\n";
print MAIL "$FORM{'state'} $FORM{'zipcode'}\n";
print MAIL "You phone : $FORM{'telephone'} to call you between $FORM{'time'}\n";
print MAIL "You are selling $FORM{'make'} $FORM{'model'} for $d $FORM{'price'} with your description: $FORM{'comment'} \n";
print MAIL " \n";
close (MAIL);