I have created a report that uses 2 dbf files: Community and Buyer. Many Buyers have the same Community. This report calculates the Revenue from a sale less revenue Dropped from a cancel per Community per month. I have grouped this on {@ProjectSort} = {Comunity.SHORT_DESC}+{Comunity.TJMG_PROJ}. The formula in the group header:
{@RevNetJan} = Sum ({@RevJan},{@ProjectSort}) -
Sum ({@RevDropJan},{@ProjectSort})
This formula works for all 18 of the different {@ProjectSort} except one (Sonoma).
The formulas in the group footer:{@RevJan} and {@RevDropJan} work for Sonoma so I know it is reading the records.
I am a new user of Crystal and cannot figure out this problem. I would appreciate any help and would be happy to send my report and sample of the dbf file if needed.
Thank you in advance for the help.
{@RevNetJan} = Sum ({@RevJan},{@ProjectSort}) -
Sum ({@RevDropJan},{@ProjectSort})
This formula works for all 18 of the different {@ProjectSort} except one (Sonoma).
The formulas in the group footer:{@RevJan} and {@RevDropJan} work for Sonoma so I know it is reading the records.
I am a new user of Crystal and cannot figure out this problem. I would appreciate any help and would be happy to send my report and sample of the dbf file if needed.
Thank you in advance for the help.