I am new to editing XML files and my budget will not allow the purchase of the software available. I have been editing XML files in the FS2004 software package. So far thru trial and error I have been able to do what I want. However, I have hit a brick wall with one file I want to build. In the example below you see the "Click Event" TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT, this will open and close the aircraft exit doors. In the file I want to build I want the "Click Event" to duplicate a keyboard
entry of ("Shift" + "+" + " ] ".
IS THIS POSSIBLE ????????????
<Gauge Name="63" Version="1.0">
<Image Name="Icon_Transparent.bmp" ImageSizes="19,19"/>
<Cursor Type="Hand"/>
<Tooltip ID="">Canopy Open/Close</Tooltip>
<Help ID=""/>
I am new to editing XML files and my budget will not allow the purchase of the software available. I have been editing XML files in the FS2004 software package. So far thru trial and error I have been able to do what I want. However, I have hit a brick wall with one file I want to build. In the example below you see the "Click Event" TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT, this will open and close the aircraft exit doors. In the file I want to build I want the "Click Event" to duplicate a keyboard
entry of ("Shift" + "+" + " ] ".
IS THIS POSSIBLE ????????????
<Gauge Name="63" Version="1.0">
<Image Name="Icon_Transparent.bmp" ImageSizes="19,19"/>
<Cursor Type="Hand"/>
<Tooltip ID="">Canopy Open/Close</Tooltip>
<Help ID=""/>