Why does Microsoft find it reasonable to introduce ASP into FrontPage 2000 when it is clearly obvious that if you don't spend another £700 on WindowsNT/2K then you have no chance of utilising it?<br><br>I'm getting fed-up of downloading various types of web servers, only to find that either they don't support ASP, or if they do, it's usually an add-on.<br><br>In the case of the so-called wonderful Freeware Sambar Server, their help file points to InstantASP from Halcyon Soft, you follow the link, you attempt to download it, you type in all your details, and after all that they finally tell you that InstantASP is restricted to 2 concurrent users (!!!), unless you cough up another $500.<br><br>This is very disappointing, as my intranet site is built using ASP, and now I have the choice of re-writing the site, or re-installing the very crap PWS...<br><br>Anyone got any (totally) free solutions to this?<br> <p>ahdkaw<br><a></a><br><a href= you do visit my sites - be warned! You must be of a discordian nature...'