Technical User
When I execute the script it tells me:
"Operation is not allowed when the object is open.
Line 32 ""
I tried looking out in the FAQs and couldn't find anything that addressed something similar. I tried adding a .Close at the end but then it gives me the same error but "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed". So open or closed it is not working. I noticed that the object is open in the beginning of the script and tried closing it there but that did not work either.
[Dim myMainConnection
Set myMainConnection = CreateSqlConnection()
Dim ObjRecordset
Set ObjRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRecordset.Source ="DECLARE @CURRENT_DATE DATETIME" &_
"SELECT DISTINCT I.ItemShortDescription, I.ItemLongDescription, I.ItemFullDescription,I.ItemSID, I.StandardItemNumber, I.VendorCatalogNumber, Mfr.VendorName,VendorNumber, I.VendorSID, I.VendorCatalogNumber,UOM.UOM_Code,P.UOM_Factor,P.PriceEffectiveDate,C.ContractNumber,PT.PricingTierDescription,P.PriceAmount,OFT.OrderFromTypeDescription,UNSPSC.UNSPSC_CODE,UNSPSC.UNSPSC_Description,ContainsHazMat = CASE WHEN IMT_ContainsHazMat.ItemSID IS NOT NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END,ContainsLatex = CASE WHEN IMT_ContainsLatex.ItemSID IS NOT NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END, PVCDEHPFree = CASE WHEN IMT_PVCDEHPFree.ItemSID IS NOT NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END,MercuryFree = CASE WHEN IMT_MercuryFree.ItemSID IS NOT NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END,ThimerosalFree = CASE WHEN IMT_ThimerosalFree.ItemSID IS NOT NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END,LatexFree = CASE WHEN IMT_LatexFree.ItemSID IS NOT NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END" &_
"FROM Price P" & _
"JOIN AvailableItem AI ON AI.AvailableItemSID = P.AvailableItemSID,JOIN Item I ON I.ItemSID = AI.ItemSID,JOIN Vendor Mfr ON Mfr.VendorSID = I.VendorSID,JOIN VendorContract VC ON VC.VendorContractSID = AI.VendorContractSID,JOIN Contract C ON C.ContractSID = VC.ContractSID,JOIN Ref_PricingTier PT ON PT.PricingTierSID = P.PricingTierSID,JOIN ContractGroup CG ON CG.VendorContractSID = VC.VendorContractSID --AND CG.PricingTierSID = P.PricingTierSID,JOIN Junc_GroupParticipant GP ON GP.GroupSID = CG.GroupSID,JOIN Ref_Participant PAR ON PAR.ParticipantSID = GP.ParticipantSID,JOIN Ref_UnitOfMeasure UOM ON UOM.UOM_SID = P.UOM_SID,JOIN Ref_OrderFromType OFT ON OFT.OrderFromTypeID = C.OrderFromTypeID,JOIN Ref_UNSPSC_Taxonomy UNSPSC ON UNSPSC.UNSPSC_Code = I.UNSPSC_Code" &_
"LEFT JOIN Junc_ItemMaterialType IMT_ContainsLatex" &_
"ON IMT_ContainsLatex.ItemSID = I.ItemSID" &_
"AND IMT_ContainsLatex.MaterialTypeSID = 1 -- Contains Latex" &_
"LEFT JOIN Junc_ItemMaterialType IMT_ContainsHazMat" &_
"ON IMT_ContainsLatex.ItemSID = I.ItemSID" &_
" AND IMT_ContainsHazMat.MaterialTypeSID = 2 -- Contains Hazardous Material" &_
"LEFT JOIN Junc_ItemMaterialType IMT_PVCDEHPFree" &_
" AND IMT_PVCDEHPFree.MaterialTypeSID = 3 -- PVC/DEHP Free" &_
"LEFT JOIN Junc_ItemMaterialType IMT_MercuryFree" &_
"ON IMT_MercuryFree.ItemSID = I.ItemSID" &_
"AND IMT_MercuryFree.MaterialTypeSID = 4 -- Mercury Free" &_
"LEFT JOIN Junc_ItemMaterialType IMT_ThimerosalFree" &_
"ON IMT_ThimerosalFree.ItemSID = I.ItemSID" &_
"AND IMT_ThimerosalFree.MaterialTypeSID = 5 -- Thimerosal Free" &_
"LEFT JOIN Junc_ItemMaterialType IMT_LatexFree" &_
"ON IMT_LatexFree.ItemSID = I.ItemSID" &_
"AND IMT_LatexFree.MaterialTypeSID = 6 -- Latex Free" &_
"WHERE" &_
"C.ContractNumber = 82,AND PAR.ParticipantSID = 180 -- Centennial Medical Center,AND P.UOM_Type_SID = 1, AND @CURRENT_DATE BETWEEN CG.CG_EffectiveDate AND CG.CG_ExpireDate,AND @CURRENT_DATE BETWEEN VC.VC_EffectiveDate AND VC.VC_ExpireDate,AND @CURRENT_DATE BETWEEN P.PriceEffectiveDate AND P.PriceExpireDate,AND P.PriceAmount > 0"
ObjRecordset.ActiveConnection=myMainConnection 'This will execute your Query
If ObjRecordset.recordcount>0 then
ItemShortDescription = ObjRecordset ("ItemShortDescription").Value
ItemLongDescription = ObjRecordset ("ItemLongDescription").Value
ItemFullDescription = ObjRecordset ("ItemFullDescription").Value
ItemSID = ObjRecordset ("ItemSID").Value
StandardItemNumber = ObjRecordset ("StandardItemNumber").Value
VendorCatalogNumber = ObjRecordset ("VendorCatalogNumber").Value
VendorName = ObjRecordset ("VendorName").Value
VendorNumber = ObjRecordset ("VendorNumber").Value
VendorSID = ObjRecordset ("VendorSID").Value
VendorCatalogNumber = ObjRecordset ("VendorCatalogNumber").Value
UOM_Code = ObjRecordset ("UOM_Code").Value
UOM_Factor = ObjRecordset ("UOM_Factor").Value
PriceEffectiveDate = ObjRecordset ("PriceEffectiveDate").Value
ContractNumber = ObjRecordset ("ContractNumber").Value
PricingTierDescription = ObjRecordset ("PricingTierDescription").Value
PriceAmount = ObjRecordset ("PriceAmount").Value
OrderFromTypeDescription = ObjRecordset ("OrderFromTypeDescription").Value
UNSPSC_Code = ObjRecordset ("UNSPSC_Code").Value
UNSPSC_Description = ObjRecordset ("UNSPSC_Description").Value
ContainsHazMat = ObjRecordset ("ContainsHazMat").Value
ContainsLatex = ObjRecordset ("ContainsLatex").Value
PVCDEHPFree = ObjRecordset ("PVCDEHPFree").Value
MercuryFree = ObjRecordset ("MercuryFree").Value
ThimerosalFree = ObjRecordset ("ThimerosalFree").Value
LatexFree = ObjRecordset ("LatexFree").Value
End if
Public Function ExportToExcel
Dim objexcel,excbook,iSheet,sFileName,objSheet
sFileName = "C:\CatScanQuery.xls" 'Filename of your workbook
iSheet = 1 'The sheet # in the workbook that contains the data
Set objexcel= createobject("excel.application")
objexcel.Visible = True
set objSheet=excbook.worksheet(iSheet)
End Function
Public Function CreateSqlConnection()
Dim myConnection
Set myConnection=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
myConnection.ConnectionString = "Driver=SQL Server;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=IMSWeb;SERVER=ENTRDBS2KQA03;"
Set CreateSqlConnection = myConnection
End Function ]
Any guidance anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated. Also, if there is a FAQ out here already please direct me to that also. Like I stated earlier I saw some database threads but nothing that addressed this particular scenario.
"Operation is not allowed when the object is open.
Line 32 ""
I tried looking out in the FAQs and couldn't find anything that addressed something similar. I tried adding a .Close at the end but then it gives me the same error but "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed". So open or closed it is not working. I noticed that the object is open in the beginning of the script and tried closing it there but that did not work either.
[Dim myMainConnection
Set myMainConnection = CreateSqlConnection()
Dim ObjRecordset
Set ObjRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRecordset.Source ="DECLARE @CURRENT_DATE DATETIME" &_
"SELECT DISTINCT I.ItemShortDescription, I.ItemLongDescription, I.ItemFullDescription,I.ItemSID, I.StandardItemNumber, I.VendorCatalogNumber, Mfr.VendorName,VendorNumber, I.VendorSID, I.VendorCatalogNumber,UOM.UOM_Code,P.UOM_Factor,P.PriceEffectiveDate,C.ContractNumber,PT.PricingTierDescription,P.PriceAmount,OFT.OrderFromTypeDescription,UNSPSC.UNSPSC_CODE,UNSPSC.UNSPSC_Description,ContainsHazMat = CASE WHEN IMT_ContainsHazMat.ItemSID IS NOT NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END,ContainsLatex = CASE WHEN IMT_ContainsLatex.ItemSID IS NOT NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END, PVCDEHPFree = CASE WHEN IMT_PVCDEHPFree.ItemSID IS NOT NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END,MercuryFree = CASE WHEN IMT_MercuryFree.ItemSID IS NOT NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END,ThimerosalFree = CASE WHEN IMT_ThimerosalFree.ItemSID IS NOT NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END,LatexFree = CASE WHEN IMT_LatexFree.ItemSID IS NOT NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END" &_
"FROM Price P" & _
"JOIN AvailableItem AI ON AI.AvailableItemSID = P.AvailableItemSID,JOIN Item I ON I.ItemSID = AI.ItemSID,JOIN Vendor Mfr ON Mfr.VendorSID = I.VendorSID,JOIN VendorContract VC ON VC.VendorContractSID = AI.VendorContractSID,JOIN Contract C ON C.ContractSID = VC.ContractSID,JOIN Ref_PricingTier PT ON PT.PricingTierSID = P.PricingTierSID,JOIN ContractGroup CG ON CG.VendorContractSID = VC.VendorContractSID --AND CG.PricingTierSID = P.PricingTierSID,JOIN Junc_GroupParticipant GP ON GP.GroupSID = CG.GroupSID,JOIN Ref_Participant PAR ON PAR.ParticipantSID = GP.ParticipantSID,JOIN Ref_UnitOfMeasure UOM ON UOM.UOM_SID = P.UOM_SID,JOIN Ref_OrderFromType OFT ON OFT.OrderFromTypeID = C.OrderFromTypeID,JOIN Ref_UNSPSC_Taxonomy UNSPSC ON UNSPSC.UNSPSC_Code = I.UNSPSC_Code" &_
"LEFT JOIN Junc_ItemMaterialType IMT_ContainsLatex" &_
"ON IMT_ContainsLatex.ItemSID = I.ItemSID" &_
"AND IMT_ContainsLatex.MaterialTypeSID = 1 -- Contains Latex" &_
"LEFT JOIN Junc_ItemMaterialType IMT_ContainsHazMat" &_
"ON IMT_ContainsLatex.ItemSID = I.ItemSID" &_
" AND IMT_ContainsHazMat.MaterialTypeSID = 2 -- Contains Hazardous Material" &_
"LEFT JOIN Junc_ItemMaterialType IMT_PVCDEHPFree" &_
" AND IMT_PVCDEHPFree.MaterialTypeSID = 3 -- PVC/DEHP Free" &_
"LEFT JOIN Junc_ItemMaterialType IMT_MercuryFree" &_
"ON IMT_MercuryFree.ItemSID = I.ItemSID" &_
"AND IMT_MercuryFree.MaterialTypeSID = 4 -- Mercury Free" &_
"LEFT JOIN Junc_ItemMaterialType IMT_ThimerosalFree" &_
"ON IMT_ThimerosalFree.ItemSID = I.ItemSID" &_
"AND IMT_ThimerosalFree.MaterialTypeSID = 5 -- Thimerosal Free" &_
"LEFT JOIN Junc_ItemMaterialType IMT_LatexFree" &_
"ON IMT_LatexFree.ItemSID = I.ItemSID" &_
"AND IMT_LatexFree.MaterialTypeSID = 6 -- Latex Free" &_
"WHERE" &_
"C.ContractNumber = 82,AND PAR.ParticipantSID = 180 -- Centennial Medical Center,AND P.UOM_Type_SID = 1, AND @CURRENT_DATE BETWEEN CG.CG_EffectiveDate AND CG.CG_ExpireDate,AND @CURRENT_DATE BETWEEN VC.VC_EffectiveDate AND VC.VC_ExpireDate,AND @CURRENT_DATE BETWEEN P.PriceEffectiveDate AND P.PriceExpireDate,AND P.PriceAmount > 0"
ObjRecordset.ActiveConnection=myMainConnection 'This will execute your Query
If ObjRecordset.recordcount>0 then
ItemShortDescription = ObjRecordset ("ItemShortDescription").Value
ItemLongDescription = ObjRecordset ("ItemLongDescription").Value
ItemFullDescription = ObjRecordset ("ItemFullDescription").Value
ItemSID = ObjRecordset ("ItemSID").Value
StandardItemNumber = ObjRecordset ("StandardItemNumber").Value
VendorCatalogNumber = ObjRecordset ("VendorCatalogNumber").Value
VendorName = ObjRecordset ("VendorName").Value
VendorNumber = ObjRecordset ("VendorNumber").Value
VendorSID = ObjRecordset ("VendorSID").Value
VendorCatalogNumber = ObjRecordset ("VendorCatalogNumber").Value
UOM_Code = ObjRecordset ("UOM_Code").Value
UOM_Factor = ObjRecordset ("UOM_Factor").Value
PriceEffectiveDate = ObjRecordset ("PriceEffectiveDate").Value
ContractNumber = ObjRecordset ("ContractNumber").Value
PricingTierDescription = ObjRecordset ("PricingTierDescription").Value
PriceAmount = ObjRecordset ("PriceAmount").Value
OrderFromTypeDescription = ObjRecordset ("OrderFromTypeDescription").Value
UNSPSC_Code = ObjRecordset ("UNSPSC_Code").Value
UNSPSC_Description = ObjRecordset ("UNSPSC_Description").Value
ContainsHazMat = ObjRecordset ("ContainsHazMat").Value
ContainsLatex = ObjRecordset ("ContainsLatex").Value
PVCDEHPFree = ObjRecordset ("PVCDEHPFree").Value
MercuryFree = ObjRecordset ("MercuryFree").Value
ThimerosalFree = ObjRecordset ("ThimerosalFree").Value
LatexFree = ObjRecordset ("LatexFree").Value
End if
Public Function ExportToExcel
Dim objexcel,excbook,iSheet,sFileName,objSheet
sFileName = "C:\CatScanQuery.xls" 'Filename of your workbook
iSheet = 1 'The sheet # in the workbook that contains the data
Set objexcel= createobject("excel.application")
objexcel.Visible = True
set objSheet=excbook.worksheet(iSheet)
End Function
Public Function CreateSqlConnection()
Dim myConnection
Set myConnection=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
myConnection.ConnectionString = "Driver=SQL Server;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=IMSWeb;SERVER=ENTRDBS2KQA03;"
Set CreateSqlConnection = myConnection
End Function ]
Any guidance anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated. Also, if there is a FAQ out here already please direct me to that also. Like I stated earlier I saw some database threads but nothing that addressed this particular scenario.