part of code when add the frist node:
With Me.TreeView1
'LockWindowUpdate .hwnd
M = 0
.LineStyle = tvwRootLines
Set Me.TreeView1.ImageList = Me.ImageList1
.Style = tvwTreelinesPlusMinusText
Set NOD = Me.TreeView1.nodes.Add(Text:="ITALIA")
NOD.Image = 1
'AddChildren NOD, 0
'LockWindowUpdate 0&
'Debug.Print NOD.children
End With
part of code for other node:
'Me.TreeView1.ImageList = Me.ImageList1
Set CHL = Me.TreeView1.nodes.Add(Relative:=NOD, Relationship:=tvwChild, Text:=VALORE)
Select Case LEVEL
Case 0
CHL.Image = 2
Case 1
CHL.Image = 3
Case 2
CHL.Image = 4
End Select
attached the imagelist property and treeview with the first node
the image of treeview contaian oly the first node, but the problem is exaclyy for all node! all node in treevieew dont have any icon!!!
With Me.TreeView1
'LockWindowUpdate .hwnd
M = 0
.LineStyle = tvwRootLines
Set Me.TreeView1.ImageList = Me.ImageList1
.Style = tvwTreelinesPlusMinusText
Set NOD = Me.TreeView1.nodes.Add(Text:="ITALIA")
NOD.Image = 1
'AddChildren NOD, 0
'LockWindowUpdate 0&
'Debug.Print NOD.children
End With
part of code for other node:
'Me.TreeView1.ImageList = Me.ImageList1
Set CHL = Me.TreeView1.nodes.Add(Relative:=NOD, Relationship:=tvwChild, Text:=VALORE)
Select Case LEVEL
Case 0
CHL.Image = 2
Case 1
CHL.Image = 3
Case 2
CHL.Image = 4
End Select
attached the imagelist property and treeview with the first node
the image of treeview contaian oly the first node, but the problem is exaclyy for all node! all node in treevieew dont have any icon!!!