I created couple of games in VFP.
They are running fine on my computer (that has VFP installed of course).
I run these games on another computer that doesn't have VFP.
They are running fine, becasue I copied to this computer all needed VFP dll's.
Then I created another game that is using "xfcbitmap object".
And when I run on other compter (without VFP) I'm getting error "loBmp is not an object".
On my compter it's OK. Here is the code:
DO LOCFILE("system.app")
WITH _SCREEN.System.Drawing
LOCAL lobmp AS xfcbitmap
lobmp = .Bitmap.FromFile(GETPICT())
Thanks for any help!
They are running fine on my computer (that has VFP installed of course).
I run these games on another computer that doesn't have VFP.
They are running fine, becasue I copied to this computer all needed VFP dll's.
Then I created another game that is using "xfcbitmap object".
And when I run on other compter (without VFP) I'm getting error "loBmp is not an object".
On my compter it's OK. Here is the code:
DO LOCFILE("system.app")
WITH _SCREEN.System.Drawing
LOCAL lobmp AS xfcbitmap
lobmp = .Bitmap.FromFile(GETPICT())
Thanks for any help!