Do I need to us a Data module for my MOH? I am trying to pipe it in via an analog workeee. I have it working up to my 66 block pins errrrr. Wisdom is Knowledge
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Data Module will not work. Depending on your switch version you can use an analog port or and aux trunk. Use the command "change system features", go to mucis on hold field. Enter a spare analog port location. If it accepts it your system will work with analog. If not you will have to use an aux trunk. If it still does not work check the users cor to see if the "hear system Music on hold" is set to no. This should get you going.
Using an analog port for MOH can be an issue. If you have a TN763 Aux Trunk put it there. Try the following - use a butt set and tap into the MOH input - you should be able to hear it - call someone on the switch and have them put you on hold - disconnect the MOH input - busy the port - connect the MOH - release the port. If you now hear music on hold but it then goes away (either immediately or in several hours) then you will need to install one of he old system 75 music adapters. This will correct the impedence problem.
Hi all
I have a system 25 adapter in place between the cd player and the analog port...but it still will not work. When I put the butt set on the punch down pins I hear the music. It seem that it just not making it to the switch. We have had music on hold before on my G-3 r8 using the Aux card. I'm trying to set it up for a prologic CMC r9 down in Florida. We don't have a Aux card in Fl. so I'm tring to set it up on my G-3 using a analog port before I send it to Fl. Is there anything else I need to do to the analog port that I'm not doing. In my sys fea I'm just putting in the port addres to the right of MUSIC.
Welcome to TEK-TIPS JimboJimbo Wisdom is Knowledge
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Hi Phoneman2, I think JimboJimbo is all over it. I think your missing the 36A Voice Coupler (which is powered). Check out the following DOC... specifically Chapter-6. Page 6-17 has a decent diagram. Go get 'em!
What output of music source device you are using (line out or speaker(headphones amplifiers out)?
Have your adapter volume control resistor?
Did you check the COR of your extension for the HEAR OF SYSTEM MUSIC ON HOLD ?
I don't like standart adapters and usualy i use the ordinary analog telephone without handset(to make the line off-hook) between the cd player and analog port (connected to the music port), but there is a secret... If I have only line output of CD player or PC sound card(no amplifier) I insert this output wire to the handset microphone input (of the phone without handset) via resistor about 50 kOHm (changeblle resistor will be best). Must be working.
My COR is set to hear music
The sys fea is set to Music 01b0701 This is an analog TN746B
The other sys fea is set to ALL
I can hear the music on the 66 block when I put the butt set to it.
I have the wires coming from the head set plug out of the cd player.
When connecting the music source to an analog port, the port needs to be 'off hook'. This can be accomplished by a music coupler, a universal coupler, or anything with a 600 ohm resistance. I have even used a 600 Ohm resistor wired to the 66 block. They all should work.
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