I have a problem with my RS-6000. It's an old 7013. Our SSA adapters stopped working. Thinking it was a software problem, I installed new drivers from the cards that I got from IBM. (AIX 4.2, BTW)
The next reboot gave me an
888 700 102 0c8
Telling me there was some sort of software problem.
I logged back on using a boot disk. SMIT is all messed up in the mantenance mode. My IBM3151 displays but SMIT is unusable without the ability to use the cursor to get around the screen.
So, how do I undo what I did? Is there an "uninstall driver" command?
lsdev doesn't show these cards. It has to have something to do with this updated SSA driver I loaded.
Can you give me some clues on how to fix this?
The next reboot gave me an
888 700 102 0c8
Telling me there was some sort of software problem.
I logged back on using a boot disk. SMIT is all messed up in the mantenance mode. My IBM3151 displays but SMIT is unusable without the ability to use the cursor to get around the screen.
So, how do I undo what I did? Is there an "uninstall driver" command?
lsdev doesn't show these cards. It has to have something to do with this updated SSA driver I loaded.
Can you give me some clues on how to fix this?