I am trying to access tables from different databases and I am getting the following error...
Error 7405: Heterogenous queries require the ANSI_NULLS and ANSI_WARNINGS options to be set for the connection.
I have gone into the control panel and made sure the options were selected for that ODBC connection -- this didn't do anything. I have also tried SET ANSI_NULLS ON in the code and this also does nothing.
I have accessed this table in another stored procedure using the same code and do not get the error there. I have no idea why it gives me the error in my new stored procedure. Any ideas???
This is the piece of the code that causes the error:
DECLARE store_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT StoreID,StoreNo FROM LWIDWDRV.LWISales.dbo.Store WHERE EndDate = '1900-01-01'
Error 7405: Heterogenous queries require the ANSI_NULLS and ANSI_WARNINGS options to be set for the connection.
I have gone into the control panel and made sure the options were selected for that ODBC connection -- this didn't do anything. I have also tried SET ANSI_NULLS ON in the code and this also does nothing.
I have accessed this table in another stored procedure using the same code and do not get the error there. I have no idea why it gives me the error in my new stored procedure. Any ideas???
This is the piece of the code that causes the error:
DECLARE store_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT StoreID,StoreNo FROM LWIDWDRV.LWISales.dbo.Store WHERE EndDate = '1900-01-01'