I know my way around a c++ program, but C++ builder Inprise is new to me. How do I work it? how do I make the buttons do the work for me(so to speak)? Is this like the transition between QBasic and Visual Basic? (I previously used Bloodshed's DEV-C++)
With BCB, the visual components are pre written. Since they represent objects based upon certain classes, each component will have certain properties and events. For example, if you drop a BitBtn onto a form, you can change its caption, the cursor appearance, the kind of button it is (close, cancel, abort, etc), its Glyph(bmp image associated with the button), etc. On its events, you can change what the button does when someone clicks the button, moves the mouse over the button, releases the mouse button, etc.
The latter section is where you use the C++ coding to do the work. If the button is a Close button, the code could be as simple as
in the OnClick event. If you wanted the button to import an ascii file into a table, your coding would be more complex.
Clear as mud, now??? James P. Cottingham
I am the Unknown lead by the Unknowing.
I have done so much with so little
for so long that I am now qualified
to do anything with nothing.
You will need an edit box on a form and also the socket components. Look around this forum and in the FAQ since this has been asked here before.
James P. Cottingham
I am the Unknown lead by the Unknowing.
I have done so much with so little
for so long that I am now qualified
to do anything with nothing.
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