I have created a Hyperterminal version using this configuration:
BaudRate = 9600;
DataBits = 8;
StopBits = One;
Parity = None;
Handshake = RequestToSend <-- RTS: Hardware
I made several test with my hyperterminal and windows's hyperterminal using both like receiver and emitter and there's no diferent between them, they both send and received data equal.
The problem is that when I want to send some command, the Meridian even notice, but I can received Meridian information wonderful. What's wrong? Program below:
BaudRate = 9600;
DataBits = 8;
StopBits = One;
Parity = None;
Handshake = RequestToSend <-- RTS: Hardware
I made several test with my hyperterminal and windows's hyperterminal using both like receiver and emitter and there's no diferent between them, they both send and received data equal.
The problem is that when I want to send some command, the Meridian even notice, but I can received Meridian information wonderful. What's wrong? Program below: