I am sending a e-mail with sendobject and in the message I would like to add a hyperlink. Right now I am using this code, wen I send this e-mail the recipient received the e-mail and the link is broken.
Public Function EmailWOTemplate6()
Dim dbs As Database, EmailSet As Recordset, RecCnt, OrdID
Dim EmailMsgSet As Recordset
DoCmd.SetWarnings 0
'Append OrdRev Set to a temp table
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set EmailSet = dbs.OpenRecordset("UPS"
'Open the Email Msg Table to insert the Email Message
Set EmailMsgSet = dbs.OpenRecordset("msgtable"
RecCnt = EmailSet.RecordCount
If RecCnt = 0 Then Exit Function
'Loop Through and Email reports
Do Until EmailSet.EOF
'Send Email via MS_Exchange
DoCmd.SendObject , , , "" & EmailSet![CE-Mail] & "", , , "Shipping confirmation. Tracking No:" & " " & EmailSet![Tracking No], Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "Dear" & " " & EmailSet![CFerstName] & " " & EmailSet![CLastName] & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "Your order was shiped on the" & " " & EmailSet![Ship Date] & "." & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "You can track you packaged by clicking on the link below" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & " & EmailSet![Tracking No] & EmailMsgSet![msg1], False
End Function
Can sumone help me please am stock.
Thank Frank
I am sending a e-mail with sendobject and in the message I would like to add a hyperlink. Right now I am using this code, wen I send this e-mail the recipient received the e-mail and the link is broken.
Public Function EmailWOTemplate6()
Dim dbs As Database, EmailSet As Recordset, RecCnt, OrdID
Dim EmailMsgSet As Recordset
DoCmd.SetWarnings 0
'Append OrdRev Set to a temp table
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set EmailSet = dbs.OpenRecordset("UPS"
'Open the Email Msg Table to insert the Email Message
Set EmailMsgSet = dbs.OpenRecordset("msgtable"
RecCnt = EmailSet.RecordCount
If RecCnt = 0 Then Exit Function
'Loop Through and Email reports
Do Until EmailSet.EOF
'Send Email via MS_Exchange
DoCmd.SendObject , , , "" & EmailSet![CE-Mail] & "", , , "Shipping confirmation. Tracking No:" & " " & EmailSet![Tracking No], Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "Dear" & " " & EmailSet![CFerstName] & " " & EmailSet![CLastName] & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "Your order was shiped on the" & " " & EmailSet![Ship Date] & "." & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "You can track you packaged by clicking on the link below" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & " & EmailSet![Tracking No] & EmailMsgSet![msg1], False
End Function
Can sumone help me please am stock.
Thank Frank