I am creating a web page in MS Publisher and I have hyperlinks set up for some pictures. It works, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get the link to open up in a new window...only in the same window. Can somebody help? Thank you.
Tried that, and it works, but I can't seem to then save it back into Publisher so I can do further work. If I just save it as html, any more work I do in publisher will just erase it. It's so basic, there must be some easy way. I can't imagine that was overlooked when creating web page abilities in Publisher. Thanks for your response.
Publisher was not created to make websites. It's a desktop publishing program that can make a site. Use a proper website creating program to do the job.
So there is no answer to my question. How to make the hyperlink open in a new window. Perhaps I should use a better program for creating web pages. However can't you either say you don't know or don't say anything at all? Thanks for your incredible help.
I pointed you to the instructions for how. And you always need to keep that .pub file or you're starting from scratch. That's the price you pay for using a butter knife as a screwdriver.
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