I am very much new to DB2 and just started with DB2UDB 8.2 Express-C.
While designing the database I was a little surprised to see that all the names; such as Table names, Column Names, Procedure names and getting converted to complete UPPER-CASE.
I was following the Hungarian Notation and it becomes really hard to read and understand the names in complete UPPER-CASE.
To overcome the issue, I started using the "underscore" with the names like tbl_Supporters, sup_First_Name etc. And now it is a little easy in reading TBL_SUPPORTERS and SUP_FIRST_NAME.
I am very much interested in using the Hungarian notation and I request you all to suggest the methods, a way or a patch to/with DB2 that actually lets the developers use the "Subject" notation.
Thanks in Advance
Ali M
I am very much new to DB2 and just started with DB2UDB 8.2 Express-C.
While designing the database I was a little surprised to see that all the names; such as Table names, Column Names, Procedure names and getting converted to complete UPPER-CASE.
I was following the Hungarian Notation and it becomes really hard to read and understand the names in complete UPPER-CASE.
To overcome the issue, I started using the "underscore" with the names like tbl_Supporters, sup_First_Name etc. And now it is a little easy in reading TBL_SUPPORTERS and SUP_FIRST_NAME.
I am very much interested in using the Hungarian notation and I request you all to suggest the methods, a way or a patch to/with DB2 that actually lets the developers use the "Subject" notation.
Thanks in Advance
Ali M