I am new to HTML and I was wondering if there was a list online of all the HTML tags and what they do that is printer freindly, so I have a reference when I am writing a page. I am kind of learning in reverse. I am taking java in college and I can write good applets to put on HTML pages but I haven't actually learned HTML. I just know the very basics. I know this is going to sound real dumb but I get really confused with placing the applets on a web-page. They never quite end up where I want them and I end up adjusting them a bunch of times until they are finally right. Does anyone know of a map or a particular formula that makes placement a little easier or do I have to play with it. One last thing. If anyone has pointers on hexadecimal color coding(I always seem to be off on what color I am looking for) that would make finding the right color easier please let me know. Thanks