Environment: VFP9sp2 plus the new vfpx sp2 on Win8.0-64 Plus I deleted the VirtualStore vfp folder.
I'm getting an html report error when issuing:
Set Classlib To '.\libs\_REPORTLISTENER'
ox = Createobject('htmlListener')
ox.TargetFileName = (lcHtmlFolder) + 'TaxBill' + (lcTaxYear)
ox.Quietmode = .T.
Report Form '.\reports\HtmlTaxBillListing' Object ox All
The error details are fully shown in the attached screenshot with a really long assignment.
Message() = Variable FRX_OBJTYP_BAND is not found
Message(1) = real long assignment
Program() = _ReportListener.error
Line = 12
This has worked before for years and since an unknown change was made, it now errors and will not run. The changes were made about a month ago and I've undone everything I can thing of relating to this report.
In troubleshooting, I created a brand new report with nothing in and set the dataenv to foxuser.dbf and saved it as the original name in the original location so the report can be run from the app as the original would, except now we know that its a clean report with zero variables, groupings, and/or bands. It still has same errors.
Thanks for any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this?
Environment: VFP9sp2 plus the new vfpx sp2 on Win8.0-64 Plus I deleted the VirtualStore vfp folder.
I'm getting an html report error when issuing:
Set Classlib To '.\libs\_REPORTLISTENER'
ox = Createobject('htmlListener')
ox.TargetFileName = (lcHtmlFolder) + 'TaxBill' + (lcTaxYear)
ox.Quietmode = .T.
Report Form '.\reports\HtmlTaxBillListing' Object ox All
The error details are fully shown in the attached screenshot with a really long assignment.
Message() = Variable FRX_OBJTYP_BAND is not found
Message(1) = real long assignment
Program() = _ReportListener.error
Line = 12
This has worked before for years and since an unknown change was made, it now errors and will not run. The changes were made about a month ago and I've undone everything I can thing of relating to this report.
In troubleshooting, I created a brand new report with nothing in and set the dataenv to foxuser.dbf and saved it as the original name in the original location so the report can be run from the app as the original would, except now we know that its a clean report with zero variables, groupings, and/or bands. It still has same errors.
Thanks for any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this?