I am getting a report off the internet that has displays how many parts I need to build and I'm not sure how I can close the activewindow since it is not in Excel? This probalby sounds like a dumb question but I can't find a whole lot in the help file. After the workbook is saved I would like to open it without the user knowing and running the macro that will sort a bunch of gobbily gook so I can read it better.
Sub Parts_Requests()
Dim sPath As String
sPath = "H:\"
Dim myname As String
myname = Format(Date, "mm - dd"
ActiveWorkbook.HTMLProject.HTMLProjectItems. _
Item(1).SaveCopyAs (sPath & myname & " Parts Needed.xls"
End Sub
For just $19.95 you too can have a beautiful smile.
Sub Parts_Requests()
Dim sPath As String
sPath = "H:\"
Dim myname As String
myname = Format(Date, "mm - dd"
ActiveWorkbook.HTMLProject.HTMLProjectItems. _
Item(1).SaveCopyAs (sPath & myname & " Parts Needed.xls"
End Sub
For just $19.95 you too can have a beautiful smile.