I have a page that displays results from an SQL query.
If I have up to approx. 5000 results it's OK, but if the query returns more the page is completely messed up, the results are displayed but unformated and some of the text gets lost.
I've googled but did not find anything. Could it be that there is a size limit for an HTML page after which the browser reacts in a strange manner? We only use IE6 in the intranet.
I have a page that displays results from an SQL query.
If I have up to approx. 5000 results it's OK, but if the query returns more the page is completely messed up, the results are displayed but unformated and some of the text gets lost.
I've googled but did not find anything. Could it be that there is a size limit for an HTML page after which the browser reacts in a strange manner? We only use IE6 in the intranet.