I have a prg which sends out emails. it works perfectly except that I would like to be able to write more that 1 long sentence. I want to be able to send chr(13) in the .html body line. The chr(13) doesn't seem to work. any help please.
Here is the code:
Local iMsg,iConf
Declare SHORT InternetGetConnectedState In wininet.Dll;
INTEGER @lpdwFlags, Integer dwReserved
If lConnect
iMsg = Createobject("CDO.Message")
iConf = Createobject("CDO.Configuration")
Flds = iConf.Fields
With Flds
.Item(" = 2
.Item(" = 'myserverip'
.Item(" = 25
With iMsg
.Configuration = iConf
.To = "myemailaddy"
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.From = "myemailaddy"
.Subject = "bll"
.Fields("Priority").Value = 1 && -1=Low, 0=Normal, 1=High
&& .TextBody = "This is a reminder that you have to update your ticket #" && Plain text
.HTMLBody = "INTERNET ORDER COMPLETED! Internal Internet Order ID# "+dslorders.orderid +" for client "+dslorders.cname+" "+dslorders.accno+CHR(13)+CHR(13)+". Ticket opened by: "+ALLTRIM(dslorders.emp)&& Optional HTML message
Ai would like to be able to send "hi", chr(13), here are the details", (chr13), more stuf, chr13.
but chr(13) doesn;t seem to work here.
please help,
I have a prg which sends out emails. it works perfectly except that I would like to be able to write more that 1 long sentence. I want to be able to send chr(13) in the .html body line. The chr(13) doesn't seem to work. any help please.
Here is the code:
Local iMsg,iConf
Declare SHORT InternetGetConnectedState In wininet.Dll;
INTEGER @lpdwFlags, Integer dwReserved
If lConnect
iMsg = Createobject("CDO.Message")
iConf = Createobject("CDO.Configuration")
Flds = iConf.Fields
With Flds
.Item(" = 2
.Item(" = 'myserverip'
.Item(" = 25
With iMsg
.Configuration = iConf
.To = "myemailaddy"
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.From = "myemailaddy"
.Subject = "bll"
.Fields("Priority").Value = 1 && -1=Low, 0=Normal, 1=High
&& .TextBody = "This is a reminder that you have to update your ticket #" && Plain text
.HTMLBody = "INTERNET ORDER COMPLETED! Internal Internet Order ID# "+dslorders.orderid +" for client "+dslorders.cname+" "+dslorders.accno+CHR(13)+CHR(13)+". Ticket opened by: "+ALLTRIM(dslorders.emp)&& Optional HTML message
Ai would like to be able to send "hi", chr(13), here are the details", (chr13), more stuf, chr13.
but chr(13) doesn;t seem to work here.
please help,