Hi people!!<br><br>Is there anyway to publish on a server withour FP Server Extensions Installed?<br><br>Avoiding WebBOT is the best way to do so, but what about the Forms designes with FrontPage?
Yes, you can just FTP to the site, but your FP components that require the FP extensions will not work. If you use Front Page 2000 components requiring FP extensions, you're out of luck if your server doesn't have the extensions installed. I have exactly the same difficulty. I just avoid many of the components.<br><br>The hit counter is a good example. Fortunately, there are ways around that. ie: use one of the may free hit counters available.<br><br>I'm not aware of any form components that require the extensions. What are you having difficulty with?<br><br>I have six different browsers installed to check my pages. The one I like best as a 'development' browser is Opera ( <A HREF="
). Opera supports JavaScript 1.2 and conforms strictly to the W3C HTML standards as well as the EMCAScript standards governing JavaScript and Jscript. If it works in Opera, it works on anything; except text only browsers of course.<br><br>Russ<br><br>
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