alright guys. Heres whats going on. I have used this tutorial basicaly I've utilised this chaps script and files and got the form to submit - i can pick up the emails on my htc phone quite nicely when i send via the form on this site:
I omitted the css styles from his tutorial and kept it simple to begin with - i think that might have caused a problem.
inside public_html I have two directories, manoj-kumar.co.uk and mr-manoj-kumar.co.uk
im using the first directory (domain) as u can see.
then ive created a folder called LSG inside manoj-kumar.co.uk and the LSG pages are in there.
to cut a long story short - when submitting the form, i end up seeing the error/success messages on the php file itself.
try it yourselves and see. What am I doing wrong or not doing, which is causing the php page to appear with the messages instead of remaining hidden ?
is it due to the lack of styling on the form i have ? i.e no spaces between text fields (where the errors will appear if field is left blank) ?
or is it because the processform.php page is in the wrong folder ?
ive placed it in the cgi-bin and referenced it that way but it didnt change anything.
also its now in the manoj-kumar.co.uk directly itself, prior to this it was in the LSG directly. Either of those two , still worked.
is the processphp page appearing cos ive not styled the form correctly ?
Here is this guys form in action - on my server, Ive managed to get his form working fine - applied the logic to my own form on and you can see it doesnt quite work. Well it works but it doesnt hide the php page, which defeats the purpose of 'no screen refresh'.
any tips advice of where im going wrong ?
I omitted the css styles from his tutorial and kept it simple to begin with - i think that might have caused a problem.
inside public_html I have two directories, manoj-kumar.co.uk and mr-manoj-kumar.co.uk
im using the first directory (domain) as u can see.
then ive created a folder called LSG inside manoj-kumar.co.uk and the LSG pages are in there.
to cut a long story short - when submitting the form, i end up seeing the error/success messages on the php file itself.
try it yourselves and see. What am I doing wrong or not doing, which is causing the php page to appear with the messages instead of remaining hidden ?
is it due to the lack of styling on the form i have ? i.e no spaces between text fields (where the errors will appear if field is left blank) ?
or is it because the processform.php page is in the wrong folder ?
ive placed it in the cgi-bin and referenced it that way but it didnt change anything.
also its now in the manoj-kumar.co.uk directly itself, prior to this it was in the LSG directly. Either of those two , still worked.
is the processphp page appearing cos ive not styled the form correctly ?
Here is this guys form in action - on my server, Ive managed to get his form working fine - applied the logic to my own form on and you can see it doesnt quite work. Well it works but it doesnt hide the php page, which defeats the purpose of 'no screen refresh'.
any tips advice of where im going wrong ?