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HTML and Table

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Sep 15, 2003
I have written the following using tables. However, it works as it supposed to with the last table. But when I add the last table, it shows only the vote count and nothing else. When I remove that table, it works O.K. again. Please help.

<title> SALEBYYOU.COM</title>
<!--- <img src=&quot;logo1.gif&quot; align=&quot;left&quot; width=&quot;40&quot;/> <center>
<! ---<img src=&quot;scan0005.gif&quot; align =&quot;center&quot; width=&quot;620&quot; height=&quot;40&quot; />
<!--- <img src=&quot;flag.jpeg&quot; width=&quot;40&quot; height=&quot;30&quot;> </center><br>
<!--- <img src=&quot;image005.gif&quot; align =&quot;center&quot; width=&quot;620&quot; height=&quot;60&quot; />
<hr size=&quot;5&quot; noshade>

<!--- <img src=&quot;tribar8.gif&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot;>

<table width= &quot;100%&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; bordercolor=&quot;blue&quot; cellspacing=&quot;10&quot;>
<tr><td bgcolor=&quot;white&quot; align=&quot;left&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot; ><b>
<Font SIZE=2 color=&quot;red&quot;>
TO <br> CLICK THE APPROPRIATE<br> link below:
<table border=&quot;5&quot; bgcolor=&quot;blue&quot; width=&quot;70%&quot;><b>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/book.cgi&quot;> <font color=&quot;white&quot; size=2> <b> USED <a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/bookfic.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> USED </a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/booknfic.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> USED </a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/item.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> ITEMS</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/item2.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> ITEMS</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;garage.html&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> GAR</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/furniture.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> FUR</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;car.html&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> CAR</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;truck.html&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> TRUC</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;apartrc.html&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> APART</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;housr.html&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> HOUSE </a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;apartr.html&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> APART</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;house.html&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> HOUSE </a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;room.html&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> ROOM</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;lease.html&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> SUBL</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/lawn.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> LAWN</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;event.html&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> ADVER</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;business.html&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;white&quot;> <b> ADVE</a></b></td></tr>

<Font SIZE=2 color=&quot;green&quot; ><b>
TO <br> CLICK THE APPROPRIATE<br> link below:</b>
<table border=&quot;5&quot; bgcolor=&quot;oldlace&quot; width=&quot;70%&quot;><b>
tr><td width=&quot;100%&quot;> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/booksearch.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> USED </a> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/bookfsearch.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> USED </a> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/booknfsearch.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> USED</a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/itemrsearch.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> MISC.</a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/itemr100search.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> MISC</a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/garagerr.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> GARAGEE</a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/furnituresearch.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> FURNITURE</a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/carsearch.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> CARS </a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/trucksearch.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> TRUCKS/SUV </a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/housersearch.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> HOUSES</a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/apartrcr.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> APART. </a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/apartsearch.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> APARTM</a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/housesearch.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> HOUSES</a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/roomrr.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> ROOMMA</a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/leaserr.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> APART.</a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/lawnr.cgi&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> LAWN </a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;nosale.html&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> PUBLIC EVENT</a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <A HREF=&quot;nosale.html&quot;> <font size =2 color=&quot;red&quot;> <b> BUSINE</a></td></tr></b>

<td align=&quot;left&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot;><FONT size=3>
<table border=&quot;10&quot; bgcolor=&quot;pink&quot; width=&quot;80%&quot;><tr><td><FONT COLOR=&quot;blue&quot;><b>ADVERTISEMENT <fONT></td></tr>
<table border=&quot;7&quot; bgcolor=&quot;white&quot; width=&quot;80%&quot;><tr><td><FONT COLOR=&quot;green&quot;><b>
Please click the appropriate link on the left: </font><font color=&quot;blue&quot;>white</font> and <font color=&quot;red&quot;> red.</font>
<font color=red><b>ON THIS WEBSITE, YOU CAN:</font><br>
<table border=&quot;19&quot; bgcolor=&quot;yellow&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot;><tr><td><FONT COLOR=&quot;blue&quot;><b>
<li/> Sell household;
<li/> Sell ;
<li/> Buy ;
<li/> Sell ;
<li/> Sell;
<li/> Sell ;
<li/> Rent ;
<li/> Sell ;
<li/> Sublease;
<li/> Locate ;
<li/> Announce.


<table border=&quot;7&quot; bgcolor=&quot;green&quot; width=&quot;70%&quot;><tr><td><FONT COLOR=&quot;white&quot;><b>
If you want to publish. </font>
<FONT COLOR=&quot;yellow&quot; size=2><b>IF AN VIEW IMAGE. <BR><br></font></A>
<table border=&quot;7&quot; bgcolor=&quot;white&quot; width=&quot;560&quot;><tr><td><FONT COLOR=&quot;green&quot; size=2><b>
<b><center> LISTED ON THE APPROPRIATE WEBPAGE.</b></font><br><br>
<A HREF=&quot;mailto:support@salebyyou.com&quot;><FONT size=2 COLOR=&quot;RED&quot;><b>CONTACT US <BR><br></font></A>
<A HREF=&quot;mailto:support@salebyyou.com&quot;><font size=2>IF YOU WANT TO COMMENT OR MAKE SUGGESTIONS, CLICK THIS MESSAGE. </A></center>

<!-- Start Bravenet.com Service Code -->
<div align=&quot;center&quot;><a href=&quot;<img src=&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; title=&quot;Free Vote Caster from Bravenet&quot; alt=&quot;Free Vote Caster from Bravenet&quot; /></a>
<br /><a style=&quot;font: bold 10px tahoma,arial; text-decoration: none;&quot;
href=&quot; target=&quot;_new&quot;>
powered&nbsp;by&nbsp;<img src=&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; align=&quot;absmiddle&quot; alt=&quot;Powered by Bravenet&quot; />&nbsp;bravenet.com</a></div>
<!-- End Bravenet.com Service Code -->
I assume you have commented out the entire site for a reason?

Also the first tag is &quot;<htmt>&quot;.. should be <html>

It's not really possible to deteremine what is wrong if this isnt the actual code you are using.
If it is the actual code you are using then there is no way it is going to work properly.

Uncomment it all and lets see what you REALLY have a problem with.

Sorry I can't offer more help at this time.
with quick eyeball, you have some wrong code, like:



review all your code and make sure things are bested properly...

It would suggest you are using the all-forgiving IE. Your entire code is wrapped in a comment starting here:
<!--- <img src=&quot;logo1.gif&quot; align=&quot;left&quot; width=&quot;40&quot;/> <center>

and simply not ending anywhere. Before you added the last table, IE forgave you for that comment (since it never ended it simply ignored it) and rendered the page. The last table however had a proper comment:

<!-- Start Bravenet.com Service Code -->

The comment that started at the top of the page had now a legitimate ending (-->) thus everything between these two points was ignored (not rendered). If you wish to comment out the top images, note how it is properly done. Comment tag has a beginning (<!--) and an end (-->) and everything between these two is ignored.

proper code for your commented out images on top:
<!-- img  src=&quot;logo1.gif&quot;  align=&quot;left&quot; width=&quot;40&quot;/> <center>
<img  src=&quot;scan0005.gif&quot;  align =&quot;center&quot; width=&quot;620&quot; height=&quot;40&quot; />
<img  src=&quot;flag.jpeg&quot; width=&quot;40&quot; height=&quot;30&quot;>    </center><br>
<img  src=&quot;image005.gif&quot;  align =&quot;center&quot; width=&quot;620&quot; height=&quot;60&quot; / -->
Also note that nesting comments does not work:
<!-- bla bla <!-- bla1 bla1 --> bla2 bla2 --> is wrong!

Hope that helps.
What the other guys said.

Plus there are numerous unclosed tags eg:
<tr> <td> <A HREF=&quot;cgi-bin/book.cgi&quot;> <font color=&quot;white&quot; size=2> <b> USED <a></td></tr>

It's not going to like this either (though IE may cope):
<li/> Sell household;
<li/> Sell ;
It should be
<li>Sell household;</li>
<li>Sell ;</li>

Try putting your page through the Validator at - that should keep you busy!

-- Chris Hunt
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Part and Inventory Search

