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Dec 10, 2004

I am using this lines in .htaccess to protect a access to a file:

<Files something.xml>
order deny,allow
deny from all

but when my javascript code tries to open this file it fails to open. It seems that the file is protected for my code on my server. How can I protect a file from users to be able to see content of it on their browser but make free access for my code on the web server?

Thanks in advance for your help,


DaneshD said:
but when my javascript code tries to open this file it fails to open.
What kind of JavaScript, client-side or server-side ?
DaneshD said:
It seems that the file is protected for my code on my server.
something.xml will not be served by the web server. The file is still accessible in every other way not controlled by a web server : local file system, network file system, FTP, gopher, telnet, whatever.

I meant client side javascript. When I "deny" access to the file by using .htaccess and then try to open it by entering the address " I get "Permission denied message...". That is what I need, but in that case my code will not be able to open it.

Client-side JavaScript can only access the files on server by requesting them. So they would be served by the web server.

The web server can not make a difference between requests. There is absolutely no way to tell if a request was made by the browser itself, or a script running in the browser, or a completely independent software.

Even if the web server could tell with 100% certainty that the request was made by JavaScript, it still can not know if that script was the one downloaded as the HTML document's dependency and if it was not altered in meantime on the client-side.

And even if the web server could tell with 100% certainty that the request was made by your unaltered script, there is no control over the data after sending it to client side. I mean, the visitor can still extract the something.xml file's content from the JavaScript variables.

I understand what you would like to do. But there is no way.

If the JavaScript downloads the XML file with [tt]XMLHttpRequest[/tt] then you can harden abit the visitors job to get the file, but you can not stop them.

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