hi guys
in the below code i have an href with an onclick. what i am tryig to do is call another page an insert it into frame 3. The page in frame 2 is to be called and have a blank clientcode submitted to clear the index out of the frame.
i keep getting an error on the submit part. what have i got wrong?
function ClearIndex(){
<body bgColor=#ffcc66 scrolling = no >
<Form id=form1 name=form1 method=post action=index1.asp
target = idx1 onSubmit = validate();>
Enter client code:<br>
<input name = clcode size = 7 maxlength = 4 ><br>
<p><input type = Submit name = submit value = Submit>
<A href=ReportStatus1.asp target = main onClick = "javascript:ClearIndex()">Status Report</a>
in the below code i have an href with an onclick. what i am tryig to do is call another page an insert it into frame 3. The page in frame 2 is to be called and have a blank clientcode submitted to clear the index out of the frame.
i keep getting an error on the submit part. what have i got wrong?
function ClearIndex(){
<body bgColor=#ffcc66 scrolling = no >
<Form id=form1 name=form1 method=post action=index1.asp
target = idx1 onSubmit = validate();>
Enter client code:<br>
<input name = clcode size = 7 maxlength = 4 ><br>
<p><input type = Submit name = submit value = Submit>
<A href=ReportStatus1.asp target = main onClick = "javascript:ClearIndex()">Status Report</a>