I am trying to print to a AIX print queue from an HP9000 HPUX server which has the print queue configured as a remote BSD printer. The AIX print queue spooler is configured with a page length of 60 lines. I can not change the AIX configuration value. Can I send a print command that will change the AIX print queue spooler to 66 lines for the report that I am sending to it. I am not referring to the AIX printer device length configuration. I know how to send commands to the printer to change it's lenght. My reports require 66 lines per page in the spooler. At 60 lines it chops off the bottom 6 lines and puts it on the top of the next page. If I change the AIX print spooler to 66 lines the problem goes away. This AIX print queue is also used by PC clients running windows as it's default printer. When you print from a PC windows client, windows apparently sends sometype of command to the AIX print queue spooler that changes the total lines per page to 66. Any suggestions would be appreciated. [sig][/sig]