Word documents created by our reception area using a different printer but then re-printed by people in my room to the 4250 are automatically trying to print on tray 1. When going into page setup of the documents it is tray 1 selected. This can be changed to tray 2 and all will be fine however I was wondering is there a way that this step can be avoided so that the receptions documents will just print to tray 2 automatically. Any new docs created by my room print fine as automatically select is selected in page setup.
Word documents created by our reception area using a different printer but then re-printed by people in my room to the 4250 are automatically trying to print on tray 1. When going into page setup of the documents it is tray 1 selected. This can be changed to tray 2 and all will be fine however I was wondering is there a way that this step can be avoided so that the receptions documents will just print to tray 2 automatically. Any new docs created by my room print fine as automatically select is selected in page setup.