I had a fuser go on a HP4100(#1) and replaced it with another HP4100(#2) from a different location on the network. The IP was changed and #2 worked like a charm. #1 is now repaired and tested offline, but I can't get anything to print to it from the network. I printed out the config. page and none of the info changed and I'm not sure what to do next.
Jeremy M.
Systems Administrator
Disclaimer:This person recently stepped in a pile of $^!# and inherited a sys. adm. position. Although he has a limited knowledge base in some areas, he promises to do as much research as possible before posting. Please work with him, he will appreciate your hel
I had a fuser go on a HP4100(#1) and replaced it with another HP4100(#2) from a different location on the network. The IP was changed and #2 worked like a charm. #1 is now repaired and tested offline, but I can't get anything to print to it from the network. I printed out the config. page and none of the info changed and I'm not sure what to do next.
Jeremy M.
Systems Administrator
Disclaimer:This person recently stepped in a pile of $^!# and inherited a sys. adm. position. Although he has a limited knowledge base in some areas, he promises to do as much research as possible before posting. Please work with him, he will appreciate your hel