Here at the office, we have two networked HP4100 printers. They are exactly the same in every way, but behave completely different.
Here’s the Properties window of the printer that’s working as it should.
Okay, well, here’s the other printer. I’ve tried this on multiple other clients, it all shows up the same.
Our options here are limited to two Types of paper. The Source tray is dimmed. One can’t even point-and-click on the right-hand side printer picture. It’s like we’re being locked out of the printer’s options.
The problematic printer is setup as such:
Tray 1 = Envelopes
Tray 2 = 8.5 x 11
Tray 3 = Letterhead
Tray 4 = Legal
Both are even using the same drivers (PCL 6 Version The only real difference between the two is the Tray structure; on the working printer, Trays 2 and 3 are switched. But I know it shouldn’t make that kind of difference.
So, while we are able to find ways around much of the lockdown on tray selection, much of the options we could have are out of reach. It does not seem to print Letterhead properly, but this could be something I could work around.
I’ve searched and searched for information about how the printer’s options could have just vanished like that, but to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
Here’s the Properties window of the printer that’s working as it should.
Okay, well, here’s the other printer. I’ve tried this on multiple other clients, it all shows up the same.
Our options here are limited to two Types of paper. The Source tray is dimmed. One can’t even point-and-click on the right-hand side printer picture. It’s like we’re being locked out of the printer’s options.
The problematic printer is setup as such:
Tray 1 = Envelopes
Tray 2 = 8.5 x 11
Tray 3 = Letterhead
Tray 4 = Legal
Both are even using the same drivers (PCL 6 Version The only real difference between the two is the Tray structure; on the working printer, Trays 2 and 3 are switched. But I know it shouldn’t make that kind of difference.
So, while we are able to find ways around much of the lockdown on tray selection, much of the options we could have are out of reach. It does not seem to print Letterhead properly, but this could be something I could work around.
I’ve searched and searched for information about how the printer’s options could have just vanished like that, but to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.