I've got a couple of HP2626 switches configured to send system messages to a KIWI sysmon. The problem is I keep getting a recurring message (every 28 minutes) that says the following:
<ip address> tftp:SENT error:1, msg:File not found
We do have a tftp server, and I have been able to send the configuration file over to it. I suspect the switches are trying to see a config file on the server, however I can't seem to find where to set it in the switch configuration file.
Any help is appreciated.
<ip address> tftp:SENT error:1, msg:File not found
We do have a tftp server, and I have been able to send the configuration file over to it. I suspect the switches are trying to see a config file on the server, however I can't seem to find where to set it in the switch configuration file.
Any help is appreciated.