We recently upgraded our HP Unix box to 11i. The whole package contained the jdk version 1.4.2_04. I created the war file for our application using this version of jdk and ftp'ied it to the UNIX box and started the OC4J server. When i tried to access the application it gave me a OracleJSPracle.jsp.provider.jspCompileException
A strange observation though was that when i changed the tools.jar file to the old one. The application worls just fine. Is there anything else that i am suppose to do which i am missing? Please help
We recently upgraded our HP Unix box to 11i. The whole package contained the jdk version 1.4.2_04. I created the war file for our application using this version of jdk and ftp'ied it to the UNIX box and started the OC4J server. When i tried to access the application it gave me a OracleJSPracle.jsp.provider.jspCompileException
A strange observation though was that when i changed the tools.jar file to the old one. The application worls just fine. Is there anything else that i am suppose to do which i am missing? Please help