Technical User
I have an HP Deskjet 842c that until about three weeks ago worked perfectly. We moved, and I moved all computer equipment carefully in a load by itself so as not to bang it around or jostle it excessively, and as soon as we arrived I set it up in its new place.
The first time I tried to print after that (about three days later), it wouldn't feed the paper through at all, initially, and it left to light black lines on the paper like the wheels were actually rubbing against the paper without grabbing it. I fiddled around with it and tried again, and now it either does that still, or it grabs the paper and scrunches it up sideways and makes a jam.
Occaisionally, if I manage to wriggle a piece of paper in there *just right*, it will feed it and print perfectly, but it's a fluke when I manage it, it won't keep that up on it's own. Does anyone have any suggestions that I can try? The printer isn't that old, and hasn't had very heavy use, I'll go two weeks without printing and then print ten pages or so, and then nothing for a few days, etc, so it shouldn't be worn out. Once in a while it'll clack from the back area, especially if I've tried several pages in a row that have jammed...I appreciate any help or suggestions anyone can give!
The first time I tried to print after that (about three days later), it wouldn't feed the paper through at all, initially, and it left to light black lines on the paper like the wheels were actually rubbing against the paper without grabbing it. I fiddled around with it and tried again, and now it either does that still, or it grabs the paper and scrunches it up sideways and makes a jam.
Occaisionally, if I manage to wriggle a piece of paper in there *just right*, it will feed it and print perfectly, but it's a fluke when I manage it, it won't keep that up on it's own. Does anyone have any suggestions that I can try? The printer isn't that old, and hasn't had very heavy use, I'll go two weeks without printing and then print ten pages or so, and then nothing for a few days, etc, so it shouldn't be worn out. Once in a while it'll clack from the back area, especially if I've tried several pages in a row that have jammed...I appreciate any help or suggestions anyone can give!