Our office has a networked 4100TN that is between 2 and 3 years old. A few months after we got it began printing a streak down the page. After living with the problem for several months, I diagnosed a fuser issue and replaced it. (I still have the old fuser with the damaged film.) After a several good months the exact same problem began again. Unfortunately, I again waited before attempting to figure it out. I recently discovered HP Support Document number BPL11829, which describes the problem perfectly (even shows an example) and identifies it as possibly being being caused by printing large quantities of envelopes. The line appears exactly at the top edge of where the envelope runs through the fuser. We print 50 or more envelopes a day (law office). I called HP support and after 1 1/2 hours of discussion was told that the problem was either caused by printing envelopes, plugging the printiner into a surge protector, or improperly clearing paper jams. I was further told that I would have to buy a new fuser, and repeat this purchase every few months if the problem continues to appear. They said that I waited too long to report it so basically, "tough luck."
My questions are: Has anyone else had this problem? Shouldn't a printer be able to print that many envelopes? Shouldn't HP do something about it besides telling me to get lost? Are there other laser printers I should avoid if I decide to get rid of this one, considering the amount of envelopes we print?
Thanks for any suggestions/advice/comments.
My questions are: Has anyone else had this problem? Shouldn't a printer be able to print that many envelopes? Shouldn't HP do something about it besides telling me to get lost? Are there other laser printers I should avoid if I decide to get rid of this one, considering the amount of envelopes we print?
Thanks for any suggestions/advice/comments.