i need the following:
1. In the form there is 2 component
a) 1 Edit Box(Edit,rich edit,memo any thing)
b) 1 Button.
2. when click on button it popup one txt file.here is the code
void __fastcall TForm1::autoshowClick(TObject *Sender)
ShellExecute ( Application->Handle,"open","c:\\test.txt",0,0,SW_SHOW );
3.Now in edit box what i write Simultaneously it show on that test.txt text file.Suppose in edit box i type P same time it also show P in that poped up test.txt file.anything what i write in edit box Simultaneously it show in the text file
4.last save that text file.
if any one pls
Best Regards
1. In the form there is 2 component
a) 1 Edit Box(Edit,rich edit,memo any thing)
b) 1 Button.
2. when click on button it popup one txt file.here is the code
void __fastcall TForm1::autoshowClick(TObject *Sender)
ShellExecute ( Application->Handle,"open","c:\\test.txt",0,0,SW_SHOW );
3.Now in edit box what i write Simultaneously it show on that test.txt text file.Suppose in edit box i type P same time it also show P in that poped up test.txt file.anything what i write in edit box Simultaneously it show in the text file
4.last save that text file.
if any one pls
Best Regards