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How to work with CFGRIDCOLUMN and HREF

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Technical User
Dec 7, 2002
Hello everyone.

I have the following code:

<cfform name=&quot;CrossGrid.cfm&quot; action=&quot;Cross.htm&quot; method=&quot;post&quot;>
<cfgrid name=&quot;CrossGrid&quot; query=&quot;ShowDetails&quot; rowheaderbold=&quot;Yes&quot; selectmode=&quot;SINGLE&quot; selectcolor=&quot;F39956&quot; width=&quot;950&quot; height=&quot;250&quot; appendkey=&quot;NO&quot;>

<CFGRIDCOLUMN name=&quot;BROKER_NO&quot; HEADER=&quot;CBI Ref&quot; WIDTH=&quot;60&quot; headerbold=&quot;Yes&quot; dataalign=&quot;CENTER&quot;>

<cfGRIDcolUMN NAME=&quot;BROKER_NO2&quot; header=&quot;Your Ref.&quot; width=&quot;100&quot; headerbold=&quot;Yes&quot;>

<cfgridcolumn name=&quot;ENTRY&quot; header=&quot;Entry No.&quot; headerbold=&quot;Yes&quot; dataalign=&quot;CENTER&quot; width=&quot;62&quot;
href=&quot;CROSSDT.CFM?USENTRY__ENTRY=ENTRY&quot; hrefkey=&quot;ENTRY&quot;>

<CFGRIDCOLUMN NAME=&quot;ENTRY_DATE&quot; WIDTH=&quot;65&quot; HEADER=&quot;Date&quot; headerbold=&quot;Yes&quot;>

<CFGRIDCOLUMN NAME=&quot;MSG6&quot; WIDTH=&quot;92&quot; HEADER=&quot;Released On&quot; headerbold=&quot;Yes&quot;>

<!---<CFgridCOLumn name=&quot;FDA&quot; WIDTH=&quot;5&quot; TEXT=&quot;#MID(MSG6,19,17)#&quot;>--->

<CFGRIDCOLUMN NAME=&quot;MSG5&quot; WIDTH=&quot;95&quot; HEADER=&quot;Intensive&quot; headerbold=&quot;Yes&quot;>

<cfGRIDcolUMN NAME=&quot;IMPOR_CAR&quot; header=&quot;Trailer&quot; width=&quot;120&quot; headerbold=&quot;Yes&quot;>

<CFGRIDCOLUMN HEADER=&quot;Qty&quot; WIDTH=&quot;45&quot; dataalign=&quot;CENTER&quot; NAME=&quot;QTY_BILL&quot; headerbold=&quot;Yes&quot;>

<CFGRIDCOLUMN HEADER=&quot;Units&quot; WIDTH=&quot;40&quot; name=&quot;UNITS_BILL&quot; headerbold=&quot;Yes&quot;>

<CFGRIDCOLUMN HEADER=&quot;Consignee&quot; WIDTH=&quot;240&quot; NAME=&quot;CONS_NAME&quot; headerbold=&quot;Yes&quot;>


This reports displays fine, and as you can see in the CFGRIDCOLUMN NAME=&quot;ENTRY&quot;,
I have an HREF, this is supposed to grab the value of the cell the user clicks on based on the ENTRY and pass that as a Parameter to another report.
The report displays but with no data; I have tried with APPENDKEY=&quot;NO&quot; and also with &quot;YES&quot;.
When I leave as APPENDKEY=YES, it shows the value but it shows in the address box as this:

<<the one I need to pass to the report.
But it doesnt find it because of the GETGRIDKEY, in other words, the parameter becomes ENTRY&GETGRIDKEY=value, so it does not find it in the database.

What am I doing wrong? or what am I missing?

Thanx beforehand for your help! :)

Remove the quotes on the next page?

#Mid(GetGridKey,2,     len(GetGridKey)-2)#
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Thanx webmigit, I found an easy way also....

on the next page,the page the value is being passed to, create a new variable, this is what I did:

<cfset variable = '#CFGRIDKEY#'

then on your query just reference that variable.

but thanx any way, all help is appreciated.

And hope this also helps others.

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