I need some data to be viewed on the screen thru Microsoft Hierarchical Flexigrid Control.
I am writing the following code:
Set rstRPCAhmReport = Nothing
rstRPCAhmReport.Open "set dateformat dmy select iSerialNumber,cRegion,cRPC,dDateofReporting,cAccountNumber,cCustomerName,iChqTranAmount,iODAmount,vReasonforOD,cFinacleTranNumber,dFinacleTranDate,iTATforTODReporting,cTeam,cLoginID,cUsername,cSOLID,dDGMApproval,cDelayinReporting,iActualTAT,cFinacleMaker,cFinacleChecker from TOD where cRPC='" & frmTODUserLogin.strRPC & "'", conRPCAhmReport, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic
On executing the above code, I only get to view the Microsoft Hierarchical Flexigrid Control with one blank row.
how do i get the records from the Recordset on to each row in the Microsoft Hierarchical Flexigrid Control?
Please help. Very Very Very URGENT!
I am writing the following code:
Set rstRPCAhmReport = Nothing
rstRPCAhmReport.Open "set dateformat dmy select iSerialNumber,cRegion,cRPC,dDateofReporting,cAccountNumber,cCustomerName,iChqTranAmount,iODAmount,vReasonforOD,cFinacleTranNumber,dFinacleTranDate,iTATforTODReporting,cTeam,cLoginID,cUsername,cSOLID,dDGMApproval,cDelayinReporting,iActualTAT,cFinacleMaker,cFinacleChecker from TOD where cRPC='" & frmTODUserLogin.strRPC & "'", conRPCAhmReport, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic
On executing the above code, I only get to view the Microsoft Hierarchical Flexigrid Control with one blank row.
how do i get the records from the Recordset on to each row in the Microsoft Hierarchical Flexigrid Control?
Please help. Very Very Very URGENT!