I have three checkboxes for the user to selec the vendor type. I am using this to collect info. using web form email.my problem is when user selct two out of three I have one extre comma and I do not know how to fix that please help.
.AppendLine(String.Format("<i><b> {0} </b> </i>", "Vendor Type :"))
If ckPrime.Checked Then
.AppendLine(String.Format("<i> {0} </i>", ckPrime.Text) & "</br> , ")
End If
If ckSub.Checked Then
.AppendLine(String.Format("<i> {0} </i>", ckSub.Text) & "</br> ,")
End If
If ckTruking.Checked Then
.AppendLine(String.Format("<i> {0} </i>", ckTruking.Text) & "</br> ")
End If
.AppendLine(String.Format("<div><i>DUN Number : {0} </i></div>", txtDun.Text) & "</br>")
.AppendLine(String.Format("<div><i>Federal Tax Id Number : {0} </i></div>", txtFedNumber.Text) & "</br>")[code]