I currently have several SQL procedures on an SQL server, I would like to know if its possible to execute these from an asp script and how I would go about doing so?<br><br>Grateful for any help, thanks.
This should allow you to use a stored procedure. This example uses a paramter intassociateID to use a Stored PRoc without a paramter just omit ('" & intAssociateID & "') from the recordset open statment.<br><br><br>dim conntemp,rstCredits,intAssociateID,arstIncident,arstBenefitDays<br> <br>set conntemp=server.createobject("adodb.connection"<br>conntemp.open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=yourserver; Initial Catalog=yourdatabase;User ID=xxxx;Password=xxxx"<br> <br>intAssociateID = request.QueryString("ID"<br> <br>set arstCredits=server.createobject("adodb.recordset"<br> <br>arstCredits.open"sp_get_CreditBalance('" & intAssociateID & "')",conntemp_<br>,adOpenStatic,adLockOptimistic,adcmdStoredProc
I'm a bit new to this stuff, could u plz simplify this if possible. Heres a snippet of my code if it helps to explain.<br><br>--------------------------------------------------<br>StrQuery = "Select * from Customer Order by CustId"<br>Set allcust = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset"<br>allcust.Open StrQuery ,"DSN=Architron; UID=sa; PWD="<br>--------------------------------------------------<br><br>Lets say my stored procedure was called findCustomer how would I execute this on my database/recordset?<br>
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