I have the following query that runs on an Access table:
SELECT IIF([Invoice Master].STYPE_31 = 'CU', 1, -1)*[Invoice Detail].INVQTY_32 AS totalSales
FROM [Invoice Master] INNER JOIN [Invoice Detail] ON [Invoice Master].INVCE_31 = [Invoice Detail].INVCE_32
How to I translate the IIF section of this query so that it will work on a Pervasive SQL table with the same structure?
I have the following query that runs on an Access table:
SELECT IIF([Invoice Master].STYPE_31 = 'CU', 1, -1)*[Invoice Detail].INVQTY_32 AS totalSales
FROM [Invoice Master] INNER JOIN [Invoice Detail] ON [Invoice Master].INVCE_31 = [Invoice Detail].INVCE_32
How to I translate the IIF section of this query so that it will work on a Pervasive SQL table with the same structure?