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How to use Lookup table in Oracle

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Nov 9, 2001
I wrote big pl/sql script containing 19 cursors. Well it works very fine & its been in production since long time.

Now I have come some changes in that and those changes are not permanent. I may have to change again & recompile the script again. In these changes I'm putting one line condition using IF statement. Instead of doing that again & again I thought that I should setup one Lookup table & I should put that condition into that lookup table. And in my PL/SQL script I should store that column into variable and check it using IF (that variable) THEN... statement. But its not working. I don't know whether there is any function to evaluate that condition or not.

If any of you are aware of Clipper that we can create a Codeblock in clipper & we can also store that as a character string into clipper database. And later we can evaluate using EVAL() function available in clipper. That's same thing I'm trying to do here.

I will appreciate your help.

Nikhil Shah
You may create packaged boolean variable and make assignment dynamically by EXECUTE IMMEDIATE. Then you may use it in condition:

create or replace package vars as
test boolean;

mcondition varchar2(2000);
<begining of static part>
select condition into mcondition
from condition_table where ...
execute immediate 'begin vars.test:=mcondition; end;';

if vars.test then
<optional part>
end if;

<end of static part>


Another idea is to create the script dynamically by spooling it into file and then executing it:

spool some_file
select <begining of static part>
||'if '||condition||' then '
||<optional part> ||' end if;'
||<end of static part>
from condition_table where ...
spool off
Thanks for your help Sem, But it doesn't seems to be working. I'm including the code below. Try to run.

Thanks again.
Nikhil Shah

create or replace package tst_vars as
test_cond boolean;
create or replace procedure tst_chkval AS

mcondition varchar2(500);

Cursor test_cur IS Select empno,ename from emp;


select ctrl_val into mcondition from ctrlext where ctrl_eid='001';

for cur_emp In test_cur

execute immediate 'tst_vars.tst_cond := mcondition;';

if tst_vars.test_cond then
dbms_output.put_line('THIS IS KING');
end if;

End loop;

execute immediate 'tst_vars.tst_cond :='|| mcondition||';';

If you place mcondition within qoutes it will not be evaluated and probably produces error. The idea is that it should be EVALUATED. In your case the expression is just a string 'condition' rather then its value.
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