in thread277-1421324 I've described how zu trap the ouput from LDAPSRCH-tool.
A few weeks ago, I had to change the coding, because I was not able to read LDAP-entries with umlaute ("ä", "ö") and other diacritic letters ("á", "é"). I got "Not printable" - Attributes.
I had to use the "-C"-option from LDAPSRCH to convert the result of the query to the local codepage. Default was LANG=C - de facto IBM-1047 = default codepage in USS. To set the correct local codepage I used the environment variable "LANG=De_DE.IBM-1141" and put that into the ENVIR-variable of the CEEOPTS (language environment variables).
So I have now o file 'TXXXXXA.CEEOPTS.LANG.IBM-1141.TXT' with following content:
And here is how I'm calling LDAPSRCH:
Hope this is usefull for some people
in thread277-1421324 I've described how zu trap the ouput from LDAPSRCH-tool.
A few weeks ago, I had to change the coding, because I was not able to read LDAP-entries with umlaute ("ä", "ö") and other diacritic letters ("á", "é"). I got "Not printable" - Attributes.
I had to use the "-C"-option from LDAPSRCH to convert the result of the query to the local codepage. Default was LANG=C - de facto IBM-1047 = default codepage in USS. To set the correct local codepage I used the environment variable "LANG=De_DE.IBM-1141" and put that into the ENVIR-variable of the CEEOPTS (language environment variables).
So I have now o file 'TXXXXXA.CEEOPTS.LANG.IBM-1141.TXT' with following content:
call LDAPSRCH '-h '!!ldaphost!!' ',
'-C ',
'-D CN='!!remuser!!',OU=Benutzerkonten,DC=bk,DC=YYYYY,DC=de -w '!!rempwd!!' ',
'-b CN='!!user!!',OU=Benutzerkonten,DC=bk,DC=YYYYY,DC=de objectclass=user',
'sn givenName displayName telephoneNumber displayName department ',
'extensionAttribute1 extensionAttribute2 ',
Hope this is usefull for some people